Kentucky Real Estate Purchase Agreement Template

The Kentucky purchase agreement facilitates the legal sale and purchase of a residential property. Prospective buyers typically use this form to propose an offer for the seller to accept or counter. The purchase price, method of financing, and settlement date should all be determined within the document prior to endorsements.

When the seller and buyer(s) agree to the terms and conditions of the exchange, they may sign the document to establish a legal contract.

Required Disclosures

Lead-Based Paint Disclosure ( 42 U.S. Code § 4852d ) – The federal government urges home sellers to provide prospective buyers with paperwork concerning lead paint hazards if the property was assembled before 1978.

Seller’s Disclosure of Property Condition (Form M105) (§ 324.360) – All residents of Kentucky looking to sell their home must complete a copy of this form which encompasses all the necessary legal disclosures demanded by the state. Essentially, this form will document the condition of the property at the time of sale.

Realtor Version

Kentucky Association of Realtors – PDF