Private Label Agreement: Definition & Sample


A private label agreement is a contract used in manufacturing and food production. The agreement guides the terms and conditions of one party producing a food product and another party marketing and selling it under their label or branding. Sometimes this method is called "white labeling."

Private label agreements are used to facilitate the very legal practice of private labeling or white labeling. As long as both parties agree to the terms and conditions, this arrangement can be very beneficial. It allows manufacturers to sell their food and recipes without worrying about marketing. It will enable distributors or restaurants to have custom-tailored products and food to sell to their customers.

Common Sections in Private Label Agreements

Below is a list of common sections included in Private Label Agreements. These sections are linked to the below sample agreement for you to explore.

Private Label Agreement Sample


THIS PRIVATE LABEL PRODUCTION AND S UPPLY AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”) is entered into on this 6 th day of December, 2011 (the “Effective Date”) by and between Vapor Corp., a Nevada corporation (“Supplier”), and Spike Marks Inc. / Casa Cubana, a Canadian Corporation (“Customer”).

A. Supplier is in the business of producing or otherwise procuring, distributing and/or selling electronic vaporizer products as further described in Schedule A attached hereto (the “Products”).

B. Supplier and Customer wish to enter into this Agreement in order to establish the terms for a private label production and supply relationship between them with respect to the Products, including terms hereinafter set forth and to establish terms, conditions and procedures for the production of the Products bearing Customer’s trademark and other “Customer Brand Attributes” (as defined below) and sale of such Products by Supplier to Customer.

C. Customer desires to purchase from Supplier, and Supplier desires to sell to Customer, such quantities of Products as Customer may order from time to time, and Supplier desires to obtain, and Customer desires to grant to Supplier, a non-exclusive license to use the Customer Brand Attributes in connection with the production and supply of the Products bearing the Customer Brand Attributes for Customer pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.

NOW, THEREFORE , for and in consideration of the mutual promises herein contained and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Supplier and Customer, intending to be legally bound hereby, agree as follows:

1. Recitals; Schedules . The foregoing recitals are true and correct and, together with the attached schedules, are incorporated herein by this reference.

2. Engagement of Supplier; Product Orders; Customer and Supplier Obligations .

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(a) Appointment of Customer; Territory; Exclusivity in Canada; Minimum Performance Requirements . Customer hereby engages Supplier as its exclusive supplier of the Products and Supplier hereby accepts such engagement. Supplier shall sell to Customer, and Customer shall purchase and accept from Supplier, at the prices and upon the terms and conditions as provided in this Agreement, such amount of the Products as Customer may request from time to time. Supplier will cause the Products to be manufactured and produced by Supplier’s authorized manufacturers and will undertake commercially reasonable efforts to provide sufficient supply of the Products to fill all of Customer’s orders. Quantities of the Products to be shipped to Customer shall be confirmed to Customer after the receipt by Supplier of a purchase order for same from Customer and shall be shipped to Customer within sixty (60) days after acceptance by Supplier of a purchase order for same from Customer. Customer shall provide rolling quarterly forecasts of its Product ordering plans for the then succeeding twelve months, divided by quarter. The initial forecast shall be provided to Supplier within thirty (30) days after the Effective Date of this Agreement. Customer agrees that all Products purchased by Customer from Supplier hereunder shall be for resale solely within the territory comprising Canada and any other countries mutually agreed to by the parties, all of which shall be identified

in Schedule A attached hereto (collectively, the “Territory”), which Schedule may be amended from time to time by mutual agreement of the parties in accordance with the terms hereof while this Agreement is in effect. Customer agrees not to sell, and agrees to use reasonable efforts to ensure that Customer’s affiliates and any approved resellers do not sell or re-sell, any of the Products outside the Territory. As used in this Agreement, the word “affiliate” means any third party who directly or indirectly controls or has the power to control, or is controlled by or is under common control with another party. For this purpose, “control” means the direct or indirect possession of power to direct or cause the direction of the management or policies of such party, whether through ownership or stock or other securities, by contract or otherwise. Ownership of more than fifty percent (50%) of the beneficial interest of an entity shall be conclusive evidence that control exists.

(b) Exclusivity in Canada; Nonexclusivity in Other Countries . The parties agree that Customer shall be the exclusive reseller of the Products in Canada subject to Customer’s satisfaction of the minimum performance requirements for each twelve (12)-month period and quarterly period set forth on Schedule A attached hereto. In the event that Customer fails to achieve the applicable minimum performance requirement for a particular twelve (12)-month period or fails to meet the minimum quarterly performance requirement for two (2) consecutive three (3)-month periods, Supplier reserves the right to terminate Customer’s exclusivity with respect to sales of the Products in Canada effective as of the end of the applicable period. Customer’s rights to resell the Products in the other countries specified on Schedule A attached hereto, and in Canada if the exclusivity is terminated, shall be nonexclusive and subject to termination with respect to any such individual country(ies) in the event that either: (i) Supplier’s sales of the Products in such country(ies) are less than the minimum performance requirement specified in Schedule A for such country(ies) for any three (3)-month period or (ii) Supplier receives an offer from a third party or desires to make an offer to a third party for such third party to acquire exclusive rights to distribute the Products in such country(ies), unless Customer matches such offer. In the event that Supplier receives or desires to make such an offer of exclusivity to a third party, Supplier shall provide notice to Customer setting forth the terms of such offer and Customer shall have ten (10) business days to accept or decline such offer. In the event that Customer does not accept such offer within such ten (10) business day period, Supplier may proceed to accept or make such offer to a third party and in the event that Customer’s sales of the Products in such country(ies) are below the minimum performance requirement for such country(ies) for any three (3)-month period or Supplier enters into an agreement with such third party granting to such third party exclusive rights to distribute the Products in such country(ies), Supplier shall notify Customer and Customer shall have thirty (30) days to cease all distribution and sales of the Products in such country(ies).

(c) License of Customer Brand Attributes . Customer hereby grants to Supplier, while this Agreement is in effect, a nonexclusive, limited, royalty-free, nontransferable license to use Customer’s trademark, trade dress, graphics, packaging designs and artwork and other Customer branding intellectual property as further specified in Schedule 1 attached hereto (collectively, the “Customer Brand Attributes”) solely in connection with production of the Products sold to Customer, and Supplier shall have the right to grant a sublicense to its authorized manufacturers for the Products in order for the Products to be manufactured bearing the Customer Brand Attributes for sale to Customer. Customer shall provide to Supplier master copies of the Customer Brand Attributes for use by Supplier’s authorized manufacturers in production of the Products bearing the Customer Brand Attributes. Supplier shall submit samples of the Products bearing the Customer Brand Attributes for review prior to acceptance of Customer’s first purchase order for the Products and Customer shall have seven (7) calendar

days to approve or reject same by providing written notice thereof to Supplier. The failure of Customer to provide rejection notice within such seven (7) calendar day period shall be deemed to constitute approval by Customer of such samples for mass production of the Products bearing the Customer Brand Attributes to fill Customer’s orders for same.

(d) Product Orders . All purchase orders submitted by Customer and accepted by Supplier for Products are and shall be subject to this Agreement and shall be deemed to incorporate the terms and conditions of this Agreement, whether or not so specified in such purchase orders. Supplier’s acceptances of orders shall be evidenced by Supplier signing and returning the acknowledgment copy of the order within thirty (30) days after receipt of the order, together with a pro-forma invoice for the Products covered by that order. All orders shall contain the information necessary for Supplier to fulfill the order, which information shall include the following:

(i) A reference to this Agreement and Customer’s purchase order number;

(ii) A description and quantity of the Products required;

(iii) The address to which Products are to be directed and the address to which Supplier’s invoice is to be sent; and

(iv) The requested delivery date.

Orders shall not be cancelable after being placed. In the event that Customer refuses to pay for or take delivery of an order after having placed the order, Supplier, in addition to all other available remedies, shall have the right, whether by itself or through others and whether within or outside the Territory, to sell the Products from the applicable order, without any requirement to remove any Customer Brand Attributes from such Products, and shall be entitled to retain all proceeds from such sales.

(e) Customer Duties . In addition to the other covenants and agreements set forth herein, Customer hereby covenants and agrees:

(i) To sell the Products only in the Territory and not for resale outside the Territory. Any sales via the Internet shall be to end user consumers of the Products that are located within the Territory and who agree as part of the terms of purchase not to resell the Products outside the Territory;

(ii) To maintain or arrange for the provision of suitable facilities reasonably acceptable to Supplier for the storage, administration and distribution of the Products within the Territory at all times to ensure that the quality of the Products is maintained;

(iii) Except as prohibited by law, to ship Products only bearing the Customer Brand Attributes without changing their packaging, presentation, wrapping or labeling; provided that, if legislation, regulations, governmental orders, decrees or other governmental action, or other legal requirements applicable in the Territory (collectively, the “Regulations”) require special packaging, presentation, wrapping or labeling, the Customer shall promptly notify Supplier in writing of the particulars of such Regulations;

(iv) To notify Supplier promptly in writing of all applicable Regulations, including, without limitation, all Regulations relating to the purchase, sale or importation of the Products or to the performance of the terms of this Agreement, and any and all changes, modifications, and amendments thereto;

(v) To apply for and take all necessary steps to obtain such product clearance, validation, importation authorization and any product approvals, regulatory licenses or other approvals, permits or authorizations as may be required by any governmental agency or authority in the Territory with respect to the importation, marketing, distribution, sale and use of Products;

(vi) To obtain and maintain, at its own expense, any and all consents, approvals, authorizations, licenses, permits, registrations and similar entitlements required in connection with the conduct of the Customer’s business and operations, and to provide evidence of the same upon the request of Supplier; and

(vii) To notify Supplier immediately in writing if Customer knows or suspects that any unauthorized third party is duplicating the Products and selling such “knock-off” or “bootleg” items within or outside of the Territory, and to use its best efforts to prevent such unauthorized actions.

(f) Product Returns . Supplier shall accept returns of or replace ordered Products under the following conditions:

(i) Customer shall inspect all the Products as soon as practicable after shipment thereof and shall notify Supplier in writing, within thirty (30) days of inspection thereof, if any such Products are not of commercially merchantable quality consistent with the then prevailing standards in the trade and must be returned. Customer shall give written notice to Supplier of hidden non-conformities, which cannot be ascertained upon an initial examination, within twenty (20) days from the discovery of such hidden non-conformities; and

(ii) Any defect in any of the Products to be returned shall have resulted from the manufacture or packaging of the Products prior to shipment thereof.

Supplier shall issue a credit to Customer for the purchase price paid by Customer for the Products found to be unmerchantable or replace any Products found to be unmerchantable with the same quantity of products in good and saleable condition (as determined by Supplier in its sole and absolute discretion), shipping such replacement Products to Customer’s designated shipping destination at Supplier’s expense; provided that Supplier reserves the right to require Customer, at Supplier’s expense, to return to Supplier all or part of the Products found to be defective or sell same for salvage, destroy same, or otherwise dispose of same pursuant to Supplier’s instructions. The foregoing states Customer’s sole and exclusive remedy with respect to defective or otherwise unmerchantable Products.

(g) Negative Events . Customer acknowledges that Supplier has an overriding interest in protecting the reputation of and goodwill associated with the Products. Accordingly, if Customer, at any time, has a reasonable basis to believe that any act or occurrence related to the Products presents or has presented any threat to public health or safety or otherwise are likely to draw negative attention from any governmental agency, consumer or environmental group, media or other organization or any individual (any of such occurrences being a “Negative

Event”), Customer will immediately notify Supplier of the facts giving rise to such belief or suspicion. In all such cases, Customer will closely coordinate with Supplier with respect to any actions Customer might take or permit and in respect to all public statements Customer might make regarding the particular Negative Event, and shall, after consultation with Supplier, follow all reasonable advice and instructions of Supplier with respect thereto.

(h) Other Obligations .

(i) Prosecution of Third Party Infringers . Customer shall have the primary right to prosecute all actions, suits, oppositions or other proceedings (collectively, “Prosecution”) respecting any infringement of the Customer Brand Attributes or the Products bearing the Customer Brand Attributes within the Territory (collectively, “Infringement”). Customer will promptly notify Supplier of any Infringement that comes to its attention. If Customer elects not to undertake the Prosecution or does not give notice to Supplier of its decision with regard thereto, and the claim involved pertains to the Products and not the Customer Brand Attributes, Supplier shall be authorized to undertake the Prosecution of such Infringement at Supplier’s expense. For Prosecutions undertaken by Customer, Customer shall:

(A) notify Supplier of any material developments with respect to such Prosecution;

(B) deliver to Supplier a copy of all pleadings, correspondence and other material documents respecting such Prosecution; and

(C) notify Supplier of any offers of settlement related to such Infringement which it receives or which it proposes to make. Customer shall not offer, or accept any offer of, a settlement that contains any material term or condition other than the receipt or payment of money by Customer without the prior written consent of Supplier, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

If any Prosecution results in a monetary judgment in favor of Supplier or Customer, the party undertaking the Prosecution will be entitled to such proceeds.

(ii) In the event of any trademark infringement claim by a third party against the Customer Brand Attributes, including but not limited to a claim against Customer or Supplier for trademark infringement involving Customer’s trademark, Customer agrees that it shall solely be responsible for the defense of any such claims and be solely responsible for all legal expenses for the defense against any claims.

(ii) Customer Re-Sale Pricing . Customer may resell the Products at such prices as Customer may in its sole discretion determine with the understanding that the growth of Supplier’s and Customer’s businesses are of utmost importance and that, accordingly, such prices must be competitive within the marketplace.

(i) Order of Precedence . The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall take precedence over and govern in the event of conflict between the terms and conditions of this Agreement the terms and conditions of any other documents and forms of the parties, including, without limitation, Customer’s quotation request and purchase order forms, Supplier’s quotation form, and any confirmation, acknowledgment or other similar document. Any provision or data

in any order, any subordinate document such as shipping releases, or any other document originated by either party, or contained in any documents or forms attached to or referenced in any of the above documents, which modifies, supplements or conflicts with the terms of this Agreement shall not be binding unless agreed to in writing by the parties.

(j) Acknowledgement of Supplier’s Rights With Respect to the Products . All rights not expressly granted above are hereby reserved by and to Supplier, and for avoidance of doubt, Customer acknowledges and agrees that as between Supplier and Customer, Supplier is and shall remain the sole and exclusive owner of all intellectual property rights with respect to the Products other than the Customer Brand Attributes (collectively, the “Product Rights”), and that Supplier retains the right to produce, market, distribute, use, market and sell the Products without the Customer Brand Attributes anywhere outside the Territory and, in the event of Customer’s breach of this Agreement, within the Territory, without any duty or obligation to Customer. Customer acknowledges and agrees that all rights, title and interest with respect to any Product Rights or any other intellectual property that Customer may in the future own by operation of law relating to the Products or any modifications or improvements thereof (other than the Customer Brand Attributes) are hereby assigned and shall be assigned by Customer to Supplier and that Customer shall not acquire any ownership interest with respect to any Product Rights or any other intellectual property pertaining to the Products (other than the Customer Brand Attributes) through this Agreement or otherwise. Customer shall fully cooperate with Supplier in Supplier’s efforts to maintain, expand and enforce Supplier’s rights with respect to the Product Rights. Customer will not on its behalf or on behalf of any other party, in any country or jurisdiction, register or attempt to register any Product Rights. Customer will not do or permit to be done or assist any third party in taking any action which will in any way impair Supplier’s ownership of and rights in and to the Product Rights. Customer will not contest or assist any other party in contesting the validity of Supplier’s ownership of the Product Rights.

(k) Customer’s Trademarks. Supplier agrees not to file an application for any Customer’s trademarks as listed with the Canadian Intellectual Property Office in any foreign jurisdiction, without the approval of Customer.

(l) Security Interest . Customer grants Supplier a continuing first priority security interest in the Products acquired by Customer (as well as all proceeds received therefrom and accessions thereto) in order to secure payment and performance of all obligations or liabilities of Customer to Supplier, now or hereafter existing in connection herewith, including without limitation, any expenses incurred by Supplier in enforcing its rights hereunder (including without limitation, attorneys’ fees, court costs and the costs of retaking and holding such collateral, preparing it for resale or other disposition, or selling or otherwise disposing of it). Supplier shall have the right to file any financing statement or other documents necessary to perfect Supplier’s security interest in such collateral in any public office in any jurisdiction deemed necessary by Supplier. Customer hereby grants to Supplier a limited power of attorney for the sole purpose of executing, in Customer’s name, any financing statements and related documents deemed necessary by Supplier to perfect the security interest granted herein. Upon the occurrence of any breach of this Agreement by Customer or any other event permitting termination of this Agreement, Supplier, in addition to all other rights and remedies under this Agreement, shall be entitled to all rights, powers and remedies available to a secured party under the Uniform Commercial Code with respect to such collateral.

(m) Supplier’s Assistance. Supplier will cooperate in providing any relevant information at Customer’s request for purposes of furnishing information related to the manufacture of the product as may be asked for Health Canada or by other international agencies related to the regulation of the Products.

3. Term . This Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall remain in effect for three (3) years after the Effective Date above (the “Term”), unless sooner terminated in accordance with Section 4 below. The Parties agree that this Agreement shall automatically renew for an additional three (3 year) Term, provided that the parties are not in breach of any of its representations, warranties or covenants hereunder, and that Customer has satisfied all of the minimum performance requirements referenced within Schedule A. Within 30 days of renewal, the parties agree to evaluate Customer performance history during the Term, and in good faith determine and mutually agree to minimum performance requirements for the renewal term.

4. Termination . In addition to any other right or remedy provided by applicable law or this Agreement, either party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement immediately by providing notice thereof to the other party if the other party: (i) becomes insolvent or files a voluntary petition in bankruptcy or for reorganization or other debtor relief, or a third party petitions to have such party involuntarily declared insolvent or bankrupt and such petition for involuntary insolvency or bankruptcy is not dismissed within thirty (30) days after being filed; (ii) makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or a custodian, receiver, intervenor, trustee or similar officer is appointed to take charge of all or part of representations, warranties or its property; (iii) ceases to do business, liquidates or dissolves; (iv) materially breaches its obligations under this Agreement and such breach is not cured within thirty (30) days after notice of breach is received from the non-breaching party; or, (v) in the event that the principal of Customer dies or becomes incapacitated or is otherwise no longer a senior executive officer and a director of Customer, immediately by Supplier upon providing notice thereof to Customer, or by Customer twelve (12) months after providing written notice thereof to Supplier. Termination of this Agreement will not relieve either party from due performance of all obligations which matured prior to the effective date of such termination.

5. Purchase Prices . Customer shall be charged, and agrees to pay to Supplier, the purchase prices for its purchase of the Products as determined from time to time by Supplier based upon prevailing retail and wholesale prices of comparable products and/or the prices charged by Supplier’s suppliers for the Products, and such retail and wholesale price guidelines necessary for both Customer and Supplier to maintain margin levels with respect to the Products comparable to those which prevail at such time in their respective industries and market areas. Supplier shall present any proposed changes to the prices not less than sixty (60) days prior to such rates becoming effective. If the parties are not able to reach an agreement within thirty (30) days of the date the proposal is made by Supplier, Supplier shall be able to set such rates as it deems appropriate, with such rates taking effect thirty (30) days thereafter, in which event Customer shall have the right to terminate this Agreement immediately by providing written notice thereof to Supplier not less than sixty (60) days prior to the effective date of such termination.

6. Taxes and Other Charges . In addition to the applicable purchase prices, Supplier shall be entitled to separately invoice for, and Customer shall pay, all sales, use, excise, value added, gross receipts, turnover and other taxes and charges imposed by law or required by any government to be paid or collected by Supplier in connection with the purchase, delivery, sale or use of the Products pursuant to this Agreement.

7. Payment Terms . All payments due to Supplier from Customer under this Agreement shall be paid to the Supplier by standing letter of credit, cashier’s check or wire transfer in full and in advance of shipment. Customer agrees to pay Supplier a 50% deposit upon placement of a Purchase Order, and the remaining 50% of balance prior to shipment. Invoices for Products sold to Customer may be rendered by the Supplier at any time after the date of delivery as defined below. Each shipment shall constitute an independent transaction and Customer shall pay the invoice for each such transaction strictly in accordance with these payment terms. Payment terms may be extended to Customer at the sole discretion of Supplier.

8. Delivery . Products will be considered delivered by Supplier for purposes of this Agreement when made available for pickup at either port Shenzhen, Shanghai or Hong Kong. Customer shall: (a) contract for carriage of all Products to Customer’s designated destination and pay the freight, and (b) pay any loading costs to the extent they are not included in the freight. Customer shall pay all other costs incurred in connection with shipment of the Products to the Customer’s designated ultimate destination and unloading location within the Territory. Customer’s failure to pick up the delivered Products within thirty (30) days after delivery shall constitute a breach of this Agreement and additionally shall entitle Supplier to sell such Products pursuant to Section 2(c) above, in addition to its other available remedies.

9. Intentionally Ommitted .

10. Risk of Loss and Passage of Title . Risk of loss and title with respect to Products purchased and sold hereunder shall pass to Customer at the time that the Products are made available to the designated carrier for pick-up at Supplier’s designated pickup location.

11. Representations and Warranties .

(a) Supplier Representations and Warranties . Supplier represents and warrants to the other party the following:

(i) It is duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction of its formation, with full power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby.

(ii) The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby by it have been duly and validly authorized and no further authorization is required on its part to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby.

(iii) This Agreement and all other documents executed and delivered by it pursuant to this Agreement constitute its legal, valid and binding obligations, enforceable against it in accordance with their respective terms.

(iv) The individual executing this Agreement on its behalf has been duly authorized and empowered to execute this Agreement for the purpose of binding it to this Agreement. Its execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement does not require any third party consents or governmental approvals, filings, registrations or permits that have not already been obtained and will be maintained during the Term. The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by it does not and will not violate any contract or other arrangement between Supplier and any third party, or any applicable law or regulation.

(b) Customer Representations and Warranties . Customer represents and warrants to Supplier the following:

(i) It is duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction of its formation, with full power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby.

(ii) The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby by it has been duly and validly authorized and no further authorization is required on its part to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby.

(iii) This Agreement and all other documents executed and delivered by it pursuant to this Agreement constitute its legal, valid and binding obligations, enforceable against it in accordance with their respective terms.

(iv) The individual executing this Agreement on its behalf has been duly authorized and empowered to execute this Agreement for the purpose of binding it to this Agreement. Its execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and the grant of the rights granted hereunder to Supplier with respect to the Customer Brand Attributes do not require any third party consents or governmental approvals, filings, registrations or permits that have not already been obtained and will be maintained during the Term. The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by it does not and will not violate any contract or other arrangement between it and any third party, or any applicable law or regulation.

(v) The Customer is the sole and exclusive owner of all intellectual property and other rights with respect to the Customer Brand Attributes and has all necessary power and authority to grant the license granted with respect to the Customer Brand Attributes to Supplier hereunder. None of the Customer Brand Attributes infringe, dilute, misappropriate or otherwise violate any intellectual property right or other right of any third party.


12. Indemnification . Each party hereto shall, at its expense, indemnify, defend and hold harmless the other party hereto, its affiliates and their respective employees, officers and agents (each, an “Indemnified Party” and collectively, the “Indemnified Parties”) from and against any and all claims and causes of action of any nature made or lawsuits or other proceedings filed or otherwise instituted against any of such Indemnified Parties arising from or relating to any breach by the indemnifying party of any of its representations, warranties or obligations hereunder. The indemnifying party shall be responsible for and shall pay all costs and expenses related to such claims and lawsuits for which it shall indemnify the Indemnified Parties, including, but not limited to, the payment of all attorney’s fees and costs of litigation, defense and/or settlement of same.

In claiming any indemnification hereunder, the indemnified party shall promptly provide the indemnifying party with written notice of any claim that the indemnified party believes falls within the scope of the foregoing paragraph. The indemnified party may, at its own expense, assist in the defense if it so chooses, provided that the indemnifying party shall control such defense and all negotiations relative to the settlement of any such claim and further provided that any settlement intended to bind the indemnified party shall not be final without the indemnified party’s written consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld.

13. Notices . All notices and other communications under this Agreement: (a) shall be made in writing signed by the authorized representative of the party making the same, (b) shall be delivered by personal delivery, confirmed telephonic facsimile transmission, or commercial express courier, and (c) shall be deemed effective upon receipt. Confirmed email receipt by recipient shall also be deemed effective. The addresses for all notices and communications (other than purchase orders and shipping releases) are as follows: